Choices, choices

Have you encountered a moment in your life where you have to make a decision, and yet you're indecisive? Both choices are equally good, equally matches your objective. But still, your mind lingers on the end result of your choice. From a single decision, it branches out to thousands and thousands of possibilities. Before I draw to my conclusion, let me tell you a little story, taken from an article (the story is republished by author).

The story of decision making

There is a track that splits up into two in the middle. One track is damaged and old, while the other is still good and being used regularly. Both tracks lead to the same destination. Everyday, trains would pass the usable track and reach each respective destination safely.

But one day, a group of 20 kids decided to play on the track. 19 of them are playing on the usable track, while the other one, plays by himself at the other side of the track. All of them are aware about their playground's safety issue. But only 1 kid obliged to the most logical action (for a kid), which is to play on the damaged track. The other 19 decided not to be on the safe side, and took the risk playing on the good track.

A train is approaching at full speed. Coming from a sharp corner, the driver saw the kids playing on the track, but it is too late to stop now. Unfortunately, none of them see the train coming, and are still blissfully unaware of the incoming danger. The driver panicked, and he needs to decide what to do now. Will he continue driving on the usable track with 19 kids, or will he reroute to the damaged track with 1 kid. He goes for the damaged track and sacrificed 1 child, while saving the other 19. Or so he thought. In the end, the train derailed and killed everyone on board. (it's not the whole story, but meh.. you get the point)

Now, looking at another angle (aside from the drama), did he do the right thing? Is it ethically and morally correct to sacrifice 1 life in return for 19 other? Had it ever occurred to the driver that the lone kid took the morally-right decision to play on the unused track, in lieu of the other 19 obnoxious kids? Do you see the resemblance of this story?

Conclusion is, sometimes in life, we will face this kind of situation; 2 choices, 2 different ways, 1 destination. So, assess the situation properly, and make the right decision. But the most important thing is, DECIDE. Don't be on the fence. That is not a good practice anywhere in the world. If you're the adventurous one, you'll take the risk. For those who don't, take the safe side. 1 thing in common; no matter what decision you made, sometimes, things get thrown to you unexpectedly, and you need to adapt to changes. Good luck!

That's all folks!

Posted byAizad at 6:32 PM  


Feisal AJ said... January 12, 2008 at 5:10 AM  

its definitely not the drivers fault coz the 20 kids including the loner shouldnt be on the tracks anyway.. be it good or a damaged tracks..

and it could be the railway company's fault as well for not having a proper safety measure to keep ppl off the tracks..

BTW, how the hell did the driver change the route anyway, since its already damaged? lol! :p

Aizad said... January 13, 2008 at 7:16 AM  

you're not making any sense dude


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