A quick whiff

I had a quick smoke break downstairs just now. With coffee in 1 hand, I walked to the smokers designated area.

While lighting my ciggie up, comes an Indian guy (lets call him Uncle), in his mid 50s joining me for a smoke. A quick conversation (in Malay) was triggered:

Me: *takes ciggie and lights it up*

Uncle: *huff puff*

*puts the ciggie box at the side*

*looking at the box* Apa yang diorang taruk dekat kotak rokok ni orang takkan berhenti hisap rokok punya.

*looks at Uncle accompanied by a quick laugh* Ya lah Uncle. Betul tu. Buang duit saja print gambar-gambar tu.

Gambar-gambar tu semua tipu la. Itu bukannya sebab rokok. Uncle dah 35 tahun hisap rokok, takda apa-apa pun

*in amazement* Wah Uncle. Lamanya sudah hisap rokok.

Ya lah, dari sekolah menengah lagi. Sekarang saya sudah masuk 50. Sebenarnya kalau hisap rokok ni, asap tak masuk pun paru-paru

*eyes wide open* Macam mana tu Uncle?

*takes a deep huff* Itu macam baru masuk dalam paru-paru. *takes a short huff* Kalau hisap ini macam tak masuk paru-paru la. Sampai tekak saja.

*bedazzled* Oh. Itu macam ka Uncle. Hahaha.. Patutlah Uncle tadak mati lagi

*laughed* Betul la. Lagipun kalau tak hisap rokok pun boleh kena kanser juga apa. Berapa banyak orang tak hisap rokok mati sebab kanser.

*nodds head*

Dulu rokok saya hisap 25 sen 10 batang. Manyak sejuk itu rokok. Kalau makan dengan gula-gula angin, fuyoo, lagi sejuk.

*short laugh* Ya la Uncle.

*finishes up his last puff* Oklah, saya pergi dulu aa

Ok Uncle. Jumpa lagi.

Although I agree with him saying "orang tak hisap rokok pun boleh mati sebab kanser", I'm still pondering how does inhaling smoke doesn't affect your lungs. WTF..

That's all folks!

Author: Remembered his first ciggie with Pokmat. And how he taught Aisar how to smoke. Sorry man!

Posted byAizad at 12:08 AM  


GurL-FriDay said... May 20, 2009 at 1:21 AM  

Whatever he said about smoke doesn't affect ur lungs, it still does affect ur health laaa. smoking is bad, bad, BAD. =P

Aizad said... May 20, 2009 at 1:51 AM  

where goootttt......


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