Old school stuffs

Hello guys. My mind wandered off today, after a long, unproductive day, and suddenly the old school memories struck me. Being born in 1985, there are lots of stuff I did as a kid, and I compiled them here for your reading pleasure

I used to "pow" my grandpa for one of these each time we go out to town :P

Oh I love this thing. I can sit on the stairs for hours. You can get it at the local "pasar malam"

This is like the trendier version of clays in paper boxes. Doesn't smell, and lasted longer

Big Bird: And today's letter is the letter "L"

Who doesn't love Mowgli and his company. Especially that song "Bear Necessity"

Donkey Kong. One of the best game ever invented!

Tamagotchi/Digimon. I didn't get this very early. I remembered the most powerful Digimon is Teddymon. Looked very cute, but powerful. With a secret way of obtaining it!

Playstation! FYI, I still have this in my home :P

Before Playstation? Gameboy of course!

And of course, guli (marble). How could you not play that shiny thing? Guli susu? Hahaha..

The coolest character that time. 7 Up!

Afterschool pleasures, number 1

Afterschool pleasures, number 2

I used to BEG my mum to buy this cookie at "pasar malam". Only eat the top part :P

And this pre-helicopter thing. Fascinating

I remembered licking the tip just to make it stick better at the mirror :P

Well, I never really had these..

Put it on the tip of the blower, lick it a bit, spit off unwanted chemicals..

Voila! A balloon. I used to think that the chemical will cause brain cancer. And people keep touching the balloon, without thinking I have licked it initially..

And hey, Dragonball! The original one. I still have the comic books on the shelves :)

Penguin on stairs. Hypnotized by it.

I don't really know what this is called. But it was fun playing it!

Tom and Jerry. I really wish Tom would catch Jerry one day, and eat him :P

Oh, I'm a hardcore Doraemon original comic (Malay) collector. I have all of it even now!

My evening entertainment, number 1

My evening entertainment, number 2. My mum used to trick me into eating veges with this cartoon. And I sing that tune each time after eating spinach.

My evening entertainment, number 3. Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, Hoooooooo!~!

Hell yeah! Cowboy baby!

*insert Super Mario Bros tune here*

Remember the yo-yo craze? Pro-yo (not poyo ok)

Every boy had this once in their life. This is super cool toy soldiers!

Afterschool pleasures, number 3

Afterschool pleasures, number 4

My first violent hobby as a kid

I think I got this as a birthday present. The only song I know how to play was London Bridge

Boy I cried when I want one of these babies..

The rubber craze. I love grapes and watermelons!

And a multi-purposed pencil box? Come on.. Who wouldn't want this??

The original Power Rangers!

Let's not forget, all those country flag erasers. And I lost quite a few of them to "rubber matches"

Oh man, these are waayyyy cooler than Uno.

Where in the world can you find a chewing gum with free tattoos eh?

And last but not least, how can a boy live without his gasing??

Sweet, sweet memories. I wish I could relive them back again :)

Credit to EJ for some of the pictures.

That's all folks!

Author: It feels good to forgive and forget

Posted byAizad at 5:50 AM  


cAndLe iN tHe wiNd.. said... June 5, 2009 at 2:08 AM  

i missed all these things.. ada lg x gula2 lipas tu ek? which i used to eat sampai jd sgt ketagih..hehehe

Aizad said... June 5, 2009 at 10:20 AM  

hahaha.. ada kot. cuba u pg kedai2 tepi sekolah rendah tu. keropok tikam pon ada lagi kot :P

Eja Kamel said... June 18, 2009 at 5:41 PM  

omg...rinduny nak jd budak2 balik. no working headache, no bf conflict, no period pain!

Aizad said... June 23, 2009 at 10:58 PM  

haha. ko bkn budak2 lagi ke? :P

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