Raya post mortem - I remember

It's been 5 days of Syawal now. I'm currently stuffed with food. So stuffed until I upset my stomach the very first day of Raya. I hate it when that happens. Totally wasted the food down the drain. Anyway, I was reminiscing the good ol' days of Raya. When Tokyah and Nektok were still around. I remember..

I still remember that Maktok and Tokyah used to take out the blue soap box full with coins inside and we're all waiting for them to throw it to us. Makngah always win the highest collection because she has the biggest family member!

I still remember the very first time I recited Takbir. It was like a rites of passage for us Tokyah's grandchildren. Cold sweats ran down my cheek as I started to recite the Takbir. God knows how nervous I was.

I still remember orchestrating a song for Maktok and Tokyah's anniversary together with my cousin Eliana and my little brother. I couldn't recall what song it was. I smile everytime I think about it.

I still remember back when the house was so small. When there were no Astro, no Gameboy, no PS2. Whenever it floods in the orchard, I was the first one racing down there to swim in the murky water.

I still remember during Takbir was the only time Maktok and Tokyah didn't argue. They just hug and apologize to each other. Shortly after that, life is normal again.

I still remember when there was no gas stoves for us to cook ketupat or rendang. We go out and gather firewood from fallen trees. We waited for 8 whole hours for the ketupat to cook. But it was worth the wait.

I still remember when we used to chase the chicken in the barn for Raya preparation. I went in with kain pelikat and chase them around the square box. Sometimes they pooed on me.

To Tokyah and Nektok, those were the days. We're now living in your memories. There are loads more that I can write, but you get the picture. I hope that you are resting in peace out there. I will join you one day. Till then, I dedicate an Al-Fatihah to both of you, and to all Muslims who have gone to meet our maker.

The boys

The girls

That's all folks!

Author: He drank half a cup of bitter tea yesterday, and the diarrhea stopped. Now he's concerned about not being able to poo.

Posted byAizad at 7:25 AM  


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